Jonathan Gilmore,
Curtis Harrington,
Forrest J. Ackerman,
Kelly Monroe
Caroline: The Murder That Fooled The World
Charles Manson: The Funeral
스코어: 영화음악의 모든 것
Mel Brooks: Unwrapped
Legends in Light: The Photography of George Hurrell
Freiheit in Hollywood
The Weird World of LSD
Behind the Crime: The Nipsey Hussle Murder
A Life Too Short
Lord Lucan: My Husband, The Truth
Joleil Campeau : Mon histoire
Marilyn Monroe: Beauty is Pain
미스터 언터쳐블
The Kidnap & Murder of Lynda Spence
서커스 오브 북스
아만다 녹스
아메리칸 머더: 이웃집 살인 사건
Black Hollywood
Lizzie Borden Had an Axe
Young Hollywood - Die Traumfabrik erfindet sich neu